Product code: NYSPOSH


This conically-tapered nylon is designed especially for the combination of a thinsection main line and a length of greater diameter, appropriate for resisting the shock factor of the cast.

The CLEAR color obviates the reflections produced in the water by equivalent colored shocks, which can be the cause of the attacks on lines by tailor fish.


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CODE LENGTH (mt) Ø (mm) KG LB KG fish LB fish
NYSPOSH1647 15 0.16 > 0.470
NYSPOSH1657 15 0.16 > 0.570
NYSPOSH1847 15 0.18 > 0.470
NYSPOSH1857 15 0.18 > 0.570
NYSPOSH2047 15 0.20 > 0.470
NYSPOSH2057 15 0.20 > 0.570
NYSPOSH2357 15 0.23 > 0.570
NYSPOSH2657 15 0.26 > 0.570

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