Product code: NYZA16


Hook length for fishing in salt and fresh water.

All available measures have the characteristics COLMIC only is able to give: smoothness, absence of memory, absence of torsion, exceptional resistance to the knot and to abrasion and invisibility.

Zayo is now synonymous with quality.

COLMIC ITALIA SPA prohibits total or partial reproduction without the written authorization of the copyright holders.


CODE Ø (mm) KG LB KG fish LB fish LENGHT (m)
NYZA16 0.165 2.95
NYZA18 0.185 3.40
NYZA20 0.200 4.40
NYZA22 0.225 5.70
NYZA25 0.255 6.90
NYZA28 0.285 8.00
NYZA32 0.325 9.80
NYZA36 0.360 12.30
NYZA40 0.400 13.50
NYZA43 0.435 15.00
NYZA47 0.470 18.00
NYZA52 0.520 22.00
NYZA62 0.620 - 30 mt 28.00
NYZA74 0.740 - 30 mt 35.00
san siro